Source code for django_webix_sender.send_methods.telegram.persistences

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional

from telegram.ext import BasePersistence
from telegram.utils.types import ConversationDict

from django_webix_sender.models import TelegramPersistence

class ReMapKeys:
    def encode(mapping):
        _result = []
        for k, v in mapping.items():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                v = ReMapKeys.encode(v)
            _result.append({'key': k, 'value': v})
        return _result

    def decode(mapping):
        _result = {}
        for i in mapping:
            if isinstance(i['value'], list) and all(isinstance(n, dict) for n in i['value']):
                i['value'] = ReMapKeys.decode(i['value'])
            if isinstance(i['key'], list) and all(isinstance(n, int) for n in i['key']):
                i['key'] = tuple(i['key'])
            _result[i['key']] = i['value']
        return _result

[docs]class DatabaseTelegramPersistence(BasePersistence): def __init__( self, store_user_data: bool = True, store_chat_data: bool = True, store_bot_data: bool = True, ): super().__init__( store_user_data=store_user_data, store_chat_data=store_chat_data, store_bot_data=store_bot_data, ) self._user_data = None self._chat_data = None self._bot_data = None self._conversations = None self._user_data = defaultdict( dict, TelegramPersistence.objects.filter(typology='user_data').values_list('data', flat=True).first() or {} ) self._chat_data = defaultdict( dict, TelegramPersistence.objects.filter(typology='chat_data').values_list('data', flat=True).first() or {} ) self._bot_data = defaultdict( dict, TelegramPersistence.objects.filter(typology='bot_data').values_list('data', flat=True).first() or {} ) self._conversations = defaultdict( dict, ReMapKeys.decode(TelegramPersistence.objects.filter( typology='conversations' ).values_list('data', flat=True).first() or {}) )
[docs] def get_user_data(self) -> DefaultDict[int, Dict[Any, Any]]: """Will be called by :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the user_data if stored, or an empty ``defaultdict(dict)``. Returns: :obj:`defaultdict`: The restored user data. """ if self._user_data: pass else: self._user_data = defaultdict(dict) return deepcopy(self._user_data) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def update_user_data(self, user_id: int, data: Dict) -> None: """Will be called by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` after a handler has handled an update. Args: user_id (:obj:`int`): The user the data might have been changed for. data (:obj:`dict`): The :attr:`telegram.ext.dispatcher.user_data` [user_id]. """ if self._user_data is None: self._user_data = defaultdict(dict) if self._user_data.get(user_id) == data: return self._user_data[user_id] = data TelegramPersistence.objects.update_or_create(typology='user_data', defaults={"data": self._user_data})
[docs] def get_chat_data(self) -> DefaultDict[int, Dict[Any, Any]]: """ "Will be called by :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the chat_data if stored, or an empty ``defaultdict(dict)``. Returns: :obj:`defaultdict`: The restored chat data. """ if self._chat_data: pass else: self._chat_data = defaultdict(dict) return deepcopy(self._chat_data) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def update_chat_data(self, chat_id: int, data: Dict) -> None: """Will be called by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` after a handler has handled an update. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int`): The chat the data might have been changed for. data (:obj:`dict`): The :attr:`telegram.ext.dispatcher.chat_data` [chat_id]. """ if self._chat_data is None: self._chat_data = defaultdict(dict) if self._chat_data.get(chat_id) == data: return self._chat_data[chat_id] = data TelegramPersistence.objects.update_or_create(typology='chat_data', defaults={"data": self._chat_data})
[docs] def get_bot_data(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ "Will be called by :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the bot_data if stored, or an empty :obj:`dict`. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The restored bot data. """ if self._bot_data: pass else: self._bot_data = {} return deepcopy(self._bot_data) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def update_bot_data(self, data: Dict) -> None: """Will be called by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` after a handler has handled an update. Args: data (:obj:`dict`): The :attr:`telegram.ext.dispatcher.bot_data` . """ if self._bot_data == data: return self._bot_data = data.copy() TelegramPersistence.objects.update_or_create(typology='bot_data', defaults={"data": self._bot_data})
[docs] def get_conversations(self, name: str) -> ConversationDict: """ "Will be called by :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` when a :class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler` is added if :attr:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.persistent` is :obj:`True`. It should return the conversations for the handler with `name` or an empty :obj:`dict` Args: name (:obj:`str`): The handlers name. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The restored conversations for the handler. """ if self._conversations: pass else: self._conversations = {} return self._conversations.get(name, {}).copy() # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] def update_conversation( self, name: str, key: Tuple[int, ...], new_state: Optional[object] ) -> None: """Will be called when a :attr:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.update_state` is called. This allows the storage of the new state in the persistence. Args: name (:obj:`str`): The handler's name. key (:obj:`tuple`): The key the state is changed for. new_state (:obj:`tuple` | :obj:`any`): The new state for the given key. """ if not self._conversations: self._conversations = {} if self._conversations.setdefault(name, {}).get(key) == new_state: return self._conversations[name][key] = new_state if new_state is None: del self._conversations[name][key] TelegramPersistence.objects.update_or_create( typology='conversations', defaults={"data": ReMapKeys.encode(self._conversations)} )