Source code for django_webix_sender.send_methods.skebby.send_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Dict, List

import six
from django.conf import settings

from django_webix_sender.send_methods.skebby.enums import SkebbyBoolean
from django_webix_sender.send_methods.skebby.exceptions import SkebbyException
from django_webix_sender.send_methods.skebby.gateway import Skebby

[docs]def send(recipients: Dict[str, List[int]], body: str, message_sent): """ Send Sebby sms :param recipients: Dict {'<app_label>.<model>': [<id>, <id>]} :param body: Body of message :param message_sent: MessageSent instance :return: MessageSent instance """ from django_webix_sender.models import MessageRecipient, MessageSent if 'django_webix_sender' not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: raise Exception("Django Webix Sender is not in INSTALLED_APPS") # Controllo correttezza parametri if not isinstance(recipients, dict) or \ 'valids' not in recipients or not isinstance(recipients['valids'], list) or \ 'duplicates' not in recipients or not isinstance(recipients['duplicates'], list) or \ 'invalids' not in recipients or not isinstance(recipients['invalids'], list): raise Exception("`recipients` must be a dict") if not isinstance(body, six.string_types): raise Exception("`body` must be a string") if not isinstance(message_sent, MessageSent): raise Exception("`message_sent` must be MessageSent instance") result = {'status': 'failed'} # Default failed, cambia poi se inviato con successo sent_per_recipient = 0 try: CONFIG_SKEBBY = next( (item for item in settings.WEBIX_SENDER['send_methods'] if item["method"] == "skebby"), {} ).get("config") # Connection skebby = Skebby() skebby.authentication.session_key( username=CONFIG_SKEBBY['username'], password=CONFIG_SKEBBY['password'] ) # Set message configuration send_configuration = { "message_type": CONFIG_SKEBBY['method'], "message": body, "recipient": [number for _, number in recipients['valids']], "sender": CONFIG_SKEBBY['sender_string'], "return_credits": SkebbyBoolean.TRUE } if 'encoding' in CONFIG_SKEBBY: send_configuration['encoding'] = CONFIG_SKEBBY['encoding'] if 'truncate' in CONFIG_SKEBBY: send_configuration['truncate'] = CONFIG_SKEBBY['truncate'] if 'max_fragments' in CONFIG_SKEBBY: send_configuration['max_fragments'] = CONFIG_SKEBBY['max_fragments'] if 'allow_invalid_recipients' in CONFIG_SKEBBY: send_configuration['allow_invalid_recipients'] = CONFIG_SKEBBY['allow_invalid_recipients'] # Send message result = skebby.sms_send.send_sms(**send_configuration) result['status'] = 'success' except SkebbyException as e: result['error'] = '{}'.format(e) # Setto il numero dell'ordine per recuperare successivamente lo stato dei vari messaggi if result['status'] == 'success' and 'total_sent' in result: sent_per_recipient = int(result['total_sent']) / len(recipients['valids']) # Per ogni utente con numero creo un record for recipient, recipient_address in recipients['valids']: _result = "" message_recipient = MessageRecipient( message_sent=message_sent, recipient=recipient, sent_number=sent_per_recipient, status='unknown' if result['status'] == 'success' else 'failed', # Sconosciuto se con successo recipient_address=recipient_address ) # Salvo i destinatari senza numero e quindi ai quali non è stato inviato il messaggio for recipient, recipient_address in recipients['invalids']: message_recipient = MessageRecipient( message_sent=message_sent, recipient=recipient, sent_number=0, status='invalid', recipient_address=recipient_address, extra={'status': "Mobile number not present or not valid ({}) and therefore SMS not sent".format(recipient)} ) # Salvo i destinatari duplicati e quindi ai quali non è stato inviato il messaggio for recipient, recipient_address in recipients['duplicates']: message_recipient = MessageRecipient( message_sent=message_sent, recipient=recipient, sent_number=0, status='duplicate', recipient_address=recipient_address, extra={'status': "Mobile number duplicated ({})".format(recipient)} ) message_sent.extra = result return message_sent